Intrapreneur Academy is a 12-month program full of informative workshops and thoughtful personalized coaching sessions. Participants enhance their understanding of organizational culture and their professional agility, as well as develop innovative and entrepreneurial methods for addressing internal challenges. These characteristics build an Intrapreneur. Intrapreneurs become cultural leaders within their organizations and are specifically prepared to address internal challenges in powerful new ways. Currently, we have 3 teams from Collins Aerospace comprising Cohort IV of Intrapreneur Academy!
In our August session, we launched a new workshop called From Strategic to Tactical. The objective of this workshop is to learn, apply, and connect the unique attributes of strategic and tactical activities. For example, how can one generate an actionable connection between going to market in a certain segment and the activities it needs to undertake to get there?

As the facilitator of both of these events, I can draw a clear connection between From Strategic to Tactical and the “I Mostly Read It” Book Club’s July discussion of Ruthless Consistency by Michel Canic, PhD. In it, Canic describes the integration of strategic thought and action with the daily process of work. He stands firmly behind the connections between aspirational and operational approaches and working with them in tandem. Highly recommend you check out the discussion notes posted on our blog and head to your local bookseller to see if they can get it for you!
The workshop began with testing a prototype of a software product our NewBoCo Studios team is developing for a client. The cohort was able to witness the process of user testing, then test the application themselves. We provided feedback to the lead developer for the app, Robbie Nesmith, and he was able to carry that feedback to his customer!
The team then played a round of Strategy or Tactic?. This high-stakes competition pits coworker against coworker to see who can best identify which statements are strategy and which are tactics. The highly coveted prize? Bragging rights.
Strategy has a lot of connotations, depending on a person’s experience with it. We reviewed this before entering a strategy discussion for our app founder. I gave the teams two different market entry points and had them develop strategies and tactics for each. Again, this feedback went back to our talented developer to be shared with the founder.
Through the life of Intrapreneur Academy, we have observed that the more we allow participants to interact in different ways, the more we tend to take away from the sessions. We all learn differently.
We truly believe these lessons enrich our personal lives as well as our professional ones. Here in Eastern Iowa, we have not only weathered the pandemic and social unrest, but a Derecho and the aftermath of its destruction. And just as we begin to feel like we can safely begin to peek our heads out, the COVID Delta variant looms.
Are your leaders ready to practice the agility, manage the culture, apply the methods, and envision the strategies necessary to adapt to this surprising and ever-changing environment?
Are you equipped to deliver the development they need?
Did I mention that everything we did above we did in a completely virtual environment?
You’re asking, and the answer is “yes, you can send a team through Intrapreneur Academy starting in September!” We can even design a standalone workshop or series of workshops just for your needs (agility and innovation in action again!). We can facilitate custom workshops in virtual, hybrid, or in-person environments. We’d be honored and excited to share more about what we can do for your organization. Share your challenges and ideas with us!
Intrapreneur Academy will connect Strategy and Tactics with you when and where you need them most.