Sales Strategy and the End of Coffee with the Cohort: ISA Week 5

[vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/1″][text_output]This week, the ISA 2016 cohort focused on currency testing – finding out if customers will pay for the solution teams created to solve their problems.

To help with this, the week began with a workshop on sales strategy led by Ben Anderson, Trace Steffen, and Trevor Carlson. Trevor and Trace were part of the ISA 2015 and 2014 cohorts respectively, and they continue to give back to the program. Later in the week, the cohort did a “groupthink” session to share what they’ve learned on this topic with each other.

[/text_output][text_output]While in depth pitch clinics will happen later in the program, teams are starting to practice and refine their pitches already. On Monday, the entire cohort pitched their business to 80+ Geonetric employees at their company meeting. Taking lessons learned from Kristy Hartsgrove Mooer’s workshop, they put passion into their elevator pitches.[/text_output][text_output]This Thursday was also the last day for Coffee with the Cohort. During the seven different sessions, over 50 mentors came to ISA to meet with the teams in person. Mentors also visited  on Sprint Demo days and arranged one on one meetings with the teams.[/text_output][blockquote cite=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]“Everybody has a different perspective, but it’s been really interesting seeing what patterns show up from mentors. That’s been really helpful. What’s been most valuable, as someone who’s never taken a business class, is that in one hour, these mentors expose me to really impactful knowledge that I didn’t have access to before.”

Girls With Ideas CEO Allison Poss[/blockquote][text_output]For the next three weeks, the cohort will also take over 1 Million Cups Cedar Rapids / Iowa City. This week, teams began to prep for this experience.

1 Million Cups is a program developed by the Kauffman Foundation where early stage startups pitch their businesses to the entrepreneurial ecosystem in their communities and receive support and feedback. Currently, 1 Million Cups exists in over 77 communities.

To learn more about each team and stay up to date on their progress, subscribe to their weekly newsletters, follow them on social media, and attend their pitch at 1 Million Cups.

[/text_output][text_output]1 Million Cups Schedule

AssetRover and Hang
Date: September 7th
Location: Geonetric Building, Cedar Rapids

Girls With Ideas and AMP’d Cycles
Date: September 14th
Location: FilmScene, Iowa City

Streamweaver and Written Apparel
Date: September 21st
Location: Geonetric Building, Cedar Rapids


AMP’d Cycles
Smart bicycles creating a safer experience for cyclists.

Asset Rover
Real estate investing simplified.

Girls With Ideas
Leadership development program for young females.

A mobile app that increases awareness of gatherings, hangouts, and local events to help users be more present in their lives and communities.

Influencer marketing platform for e-sports.

Creating a globally respected and desired fashion brand from Iowa.

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