CS Modules: Code.org + Science
VirtualCode.org + Science  Explore the CS Connections modules that are designed to integrate computer science concepts in other subject areas, including science. This session will focus on the science modules: […]
Code.org + Science  Explore the CS Connections modules that are designed to integrate computer science concepts in other subject areas, including science. This session will focus on the science modules: […]
CoderDojo at Wellington Heights Free STEM Event for Kids! Engineering, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship for K-5 Kids Kids can explore different STEM activities like coding, engineering, and more, all while […]
CoderDojo Free STEM Event for Kids! Engineering, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship for K-5 Kids Perfect for kindergarten–5th graders with no STEM experience needed, this event lets kids explore coding, engineering, […]
Ai and machine learning The AI and Machine Learning unit in Code.org's CS Discoveries course introduces students to fundamental concepts in artificial intelligence and machine learning through engaging, hands-on activities. […]
Focus on data This unit empowers students to use data to solve problems by engaging with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem-solving, and fun. Educators will learn […]
CoderDojo Free STEM Event for Kids! Engineering, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship for K-5 Kids Perfect for kindergarten–5th graders with no STEM experience needed, this event lets kids explore coding, engineering, […]
CoderDojo at Wellington Heights Free STEM Event for Kids! Engineering, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship for K-5 Kids Kids can explore different STEM activities like coding, engineering, and more, all while […]
CoderDojo Free STEM Event for Kids! Engineering, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship for K-5 Kids Perfect for kindergarten–5th graders with no STEM experience needed, this event lets kids explore coding, engineering, […]
CoderDojo Free STEM Event for Kids! Join us for Star Wars Day with STEM themed activities, including StarLab, and Lemon Boss. Lemon Boss is an annual program designed for […]
Interactive Animations and GamesThis unit immerses students in the principles of computer science by guiding them through the creation of interactive digital projects. Students learn to design and develop animations […]