A volunteer guides a young student through a project on her laptop during Girls Who Code


Our efforts would not be scalable without the openness and generosity of our volunteers. Opportunities to help out range from grade school students, through high school students, and all the way to entrepreneurs. Whatever your skill or knowledge-set, your willingness is truly valued!

A NewBoCo conference room filled with kids and parents at round tables during a CoderDojo event


The New Bohemian Innovation Collaborative (NewBoCo) is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your donation of any size supports entrepreneurship, innovation, and tech education to help our state become more resilient and thrive in a changing economy.

A DeltaV cohort and their instructors celebrate their successful completion of the program by posing with balloons and a cake

Become a Corporate Sponsor

Corporate sponsorship enables us to put on our biggest and most influential events like 1 Million Cups, ICR Agile, CoderDojo, Code++, and EntreFEST. These events positively impact thousands of community members every year.