CS Modules: Code.org + Science


Code.org + Science  Explore the CS Connections modules that are designed to integrate computer science concepts in other subject areas, including science. This session will focus on the science modules: Simulating a Marine Ecosystem and Modeling Animal Adaptations. In the modules, students use programming to create simulations of scientific phenomena. This could include modeling ecosystems, […]

CS Modules: AI and Machine Learning


Ai and machine learning The AI and Machine Learning unit in Code.org's CS Discoveries course introduces students to fundamental concepts in artificial intelligence and machine learning through engaging, hands-on activities. In the unit, students explore how AI systems work by examining real-world applications such as recommendation algorithms and image recognition. This unit aims to demystify […]

CS Modules: Focus on Data


Focus on data This unit empowers students to use data to solve problems by engaging with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem-solving, and fun. Educators will learn about the updates to this unit over the past couple of years as well as how this unit can integrate with mathematics. Open to all […]

CS Modules: Interactive Animations and Games


Interactive Animations and GamesThis unit immerses students in the principles of computer science by guiding them through the creation of interactive digital projects. Students learn to design and develop animations and games using block-based coding and visual programming tools. They gain hands-on experience with core programming concepts such as sequencing, loops, conditionals, and event handling, […]