Donate to support Tiny Techies, our newest program!
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Tiny Techies is a curriculum developed by NewBoCo, aligned with Iowa Core Curriculum and CSTA standards, that helps PreK-2nd grade students explore technology and learn key Computer Science skills WITHOUT being placed in front of a computer. Tiny Techies strategies help students build computational thinking and problem-solving skills, be creative, and practice working together.
In an increasingly tech-driven world, these necessary skills will help them as they grow and prepare for jobs that don’t yet exist. The best part is that teachers can do this through hands-on activities that can get students moving, building, and thinking.

In June of 2020, Iowa passed HS 2629 that includes requirements for computer science education for K-12. The bill requires all K–12 districts implement a computer science pathway and all high schools offer a semester computer science course by July 1, 2022. The computer science courses should be aligned with the CSTA standards. Elementary and middle schools must also incorporate the computer science standards in at least one grade in grades 1–6 and one grade 7–8, by the school year starting July 1, 2023. The earlier we can expose students to technology and computational thinking, the better prepared they will be to enjoy exploring these mandatory subjects in later grades. Tiny Techies is a great tool for teachers to use to prepare our students for their future.
Our 1-day professional development workshop prepares teachers to add this curriculum into their classrooms, and provides materials to get them started right away. It costs approximately $1,000 to train a teacher on Tiny Techies, which includes:
- $15 of workshop materials
- $566 in equipment given to the teacher to use in their classroom
- $110 per diem stipend for training
- $5 stipend processing fee
- $300 in facilitator/staff time for training
In order to reach our goal of training 150 teachers in Iowa in 2021, we need your support. Please consider making a financial contribution, of any amount, to help us reach this goal!
Don't wait! Support Computer Science Education for Iowa's Youth!
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