Fifth Generation Natural Skin and Hair Care
Waterloo, Iowa
Matching Partner: Community Bank and Trust
Hello, my name is Latasha, and I have been a hairstylist for 19 years. I am the 4th generation of stylists in my family. The products I’ve created are recipes that have been in my family for decades. After years of being disappointed in the product offerings from major brands, I decided to go back to my roots; using recipes passed down from my Grandmother. I hand-crafted a new version of these recipes, using modernized ingredients all backed by science. We instantly started seeing results! These products work and deserve more nationally (if not internationally) known.
Business Description
Fifth Generation is an all-natural lifestyle line of skin and hair care products made from ingredients spanning from growth oil to all-natural insect repellent. We operate out of my basement, supplying local salon businesses with products. I started this business when we were in quarantine during the pandemic. I was helping my Momma go through my Grandma’s things, and I found some of her old hair product recipes. At that point, I decided to make a few of these products by hand, and I handed them out to family and friends to see how they liked them. Immediately, we started getting excellent reviews. Once we were allowed to go back to the salons, I started selling full-time. I am focused primarily on making the products and spending less time behind the chair. Beauty is a multi-billion dollar industry, with hair growth being one of the #1 most searched items in this industry. As much as I love working behind the chair helping clients reach their hair goals, I am passionate about helping change the industry by removing all the chemically toxic products currently being used. I am so excited to dive right into building out my product line!
What is the Purpose of This Loan?
I am applying for this loan to grow my business and take it to the next level. This loan will allow me to convert my empty basement into a fully functioning lab and storage center, offering a dedicated and more efficient space to produce our products. At the moment, it is difficult making large batches of product in my home kitchen because it takes triple the time due to the sanitation required between sets to prevent cross-contamination. Given that we utilize this kitchen space for personal purposes, we have to sanitize, disinfect, and sterilize in between meals for our family of six. I would also like to upgrade my storage area within this basement space. Living in a more rural location means we are prone to rodent infestation. A proper storage system and length will help eliminate this risk, allowing me to store more products safely without any issues.