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Denver, Iowa

Matching Partner: Community Bank & Trust

I was raised a lower-middle-class dreamer who has always had dreams too big for her upbringing. As I started exploring how those limits had shaped my life decisions, I found dreams that fit my purpose. Those pain points became my muse and inspire art, words, and generosity to spark others’ quest for their freedom to dream. My lifetime of curiosity about dreams shines through my newest collection of work inspiring others to live their dreams. I am a lifelong dream enthusiast and a devoted hobbyist of subjects such as self-development, meditation, creative flow states, and the powers of specific goals. My passion comes from proving what is possible. I love living it all out loud in my home state of Iowa.

Business Description

Up-gift is a Main Street gift shop built to give back. We are a quaint gift shop in small-town Iowa that exists to inspire intentional gift-giving through a carefully curated selection of gifts & experiences that give back to the communities we serve & causes we care about. We sell minimal, intentional, and inspirational gifts including cards, prints, books, and clothing as well as hyper-locally sourced goods and gift cards. We currently operate online and at pop-up shops.

I started this business to spread even more sparks of inspiration, intentionality, and generosity. Every day, I find myself surrounded by people and places that need to be reminded of the goodness and light where they are. Up-Gift serves as that reminder.

What is the Purpose of This Loan?

I am in a place where I just need enough to get started with a brick-and-mortar. Physical presence will increase the visible impact and intention of the store in my small community. This loan will further the impact. I have done a lot on the online space and I want to start the wave of businesses that save my small rural town’s Main Street.