Iowa Computer Science

Professional Development Week

Iowa’s CS PD Week is for all PreK–12 educators that will be incorporating or teaching computer science.

There will be one-day and multi-day workshops to support all levels of experience. We pride ourselves in meeting educators where they are, and collaborating with partners who do the same. Look at this year’s professional development opportunities below, and apply today.

Join us to increase your knowledge whether you’re just getting started or have been teaching computer science for a while!

Why register for CS PD week?

All students deserve access to an education that will prepare them for unlimited possibilities.

Computer science education is not only for students who want to go into a technology field. It is also for students who will be working in industries that use or create solutions with technology, which is all industries!

Since 2017, NewBoCo has organized a CS PD Week for Iowa educators and has supported expanding program opportunities to meet educators’ needs. NewBoCo has trained more than 2,200 educators who have brought computer science to more than 100,000 K–12 students.

$300 per day will include:

  • Multiple professional development opportunities for educators to choose from, at varying lengths
  • Professional development costs supplemented by our sponsors and partners
  • Collaboration and networking with attendees and special guests
  • Breakfast and lunch for each day of participation
  • $150 daily stipend for each day of participation, must be an Iowa PreK–12 educator to be eligible
  • Ability to participate in follow-up or additional professional development opportunities throughout the school year
  • CSTA paid membership for one year (applied after participation)

Important Dates

April 10  – Priority applications due (applications will still be accepted, but programs offered will be based off of minimums required by the providers.)

May 10, 2025 – Registration information sent to claim acceptance

June 10, 2025 – Applications close.

If you are hiring for a position or need additional time, please reach out to


Contact us for more information

If you will need disability-related accommodations in order to participate in this event, please contact us by email at Early requests are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time to meet your access needs.

If you will need disability-related accommodations in order to participate in this event, please contact us by email at Early requests are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time to meet your access needs.